I've finally made contact with two people over at Clean Ocean Action. I've provided them my timeline for the projects I wish to complete for Senior Project, and indicated that I will continue working with them after my quarter is over on the Beach Sweeps initiative. I've also summarized my design ideas to them, and will be sending them my mood boards by the end of the week. They seem pretty excited to be working with me, I hope this goes well.
I've began breaking down the information I want to present on the 3 posters.
Poster #1 will be sort of an overview poster; the total amount of trash collected (475,321 pieces of litter in 2010), the number of volunteers, the breakdown by percentages of the content of the trash (plastic, glass, paper, etc.), the top 12 marine debris items, a bio-degradation timeline, and maybe a few other things.
Poster #2 will focus on the plastics, which made up 74% of the litter. I'm going to show how it harms marine life (via ingestion or entanglement), the biodegradation of plastics.
Poster #3 will focus on cigarette butts/filters found on the beaches, the impact of the litter, and whatever else I can come up with. This poster idea, though based on my original project idea, is the least fleshed out at this point.
I have to put together my mood boards, but I have a general feel for how I'd like the posters to look. At this point (and given my time), my focus is on completing 3 poster designs. If time provides, I'd love to take a stab at redesigning the Beach Sweeps Annual Report, but we'll see.
Some references:
Infographic #1
Infographic #2 (I really like the style of this one)
Infographic #3
Biodegradation Facts
Atlantic City Tourism Statistics
Fact For The Week:
Did you know that it takes 200 years for an aluminum can to biodegrade?
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