Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Draft Designs

I've finally gotten somewhere with my designing! I've kind of been in a rut the past two weeks - I had most of the information, but no direction at all. I didn't know how I wanted to design the posters.

I'm happy to finally have broken through that, and completed the cigarette butts poster, did most of the general poster, and I've just started on the plastics poster. I should have the plastics one done by tomorrow, along with a "save-the-date" card Clean Ocean Action uses for the Beach Sweeps. They sent me the one they're using for this year, and I'm going to redesign it.

The posters definitely need refining, but I'm pretty happy with how they're coming along so far.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 6

I have to say, I was a little disappointed with how last week's presentation went. The reviewer seemed a bit off base in several circumstances, and I felt defensive when he started questioning me. He thought the posters and informational brochures wouldn't be of use because he said something to the effect that ignorant people wouldn't pay attention to it and he couldn't understand who was doing all the littering on the beaches? I'm wondering if he's ever been to the beach? He also said I should put a QR code on beach tags (that isn't feasible given the size, space, and holes in the beach tag for the pin) and then said the posters wouldn't be noticed on the lifeguard stands, mentioning that he never paid attention to or walked behind a lifeguard. Again, I'm not sure he's entirely familiar with the environment, the south Jersey shore area. You can't miss the giant white lifeguard stands that sit on the beaches by the waters edge every 500-ish feet.

Anyway. I've started breaking down the information I'm planning on using on the posters. I'm going to be using the 2010 Beach Sweeps data unless Clean Ocean Action is able to provide me with the data from 2011.

Poster #1:
- Total amount of trash collected
- Total number of volunteers
-Percentage breakdown of trash (Plastic, foam, metal, paper, glass, wood, rubber, cloth)
- Top 12 marine debris items
- Tourism statistics on how many visitors the shore had

Poster #2:
- How plastic harms marine life: entanglement and ingestion
- Biodegradation of various plastic materials
- How many marine mammals die each year from plastics
- How using a reusable bag and reusable water bottle can help reduce plastic litter
- Pounds of plastics littered on beaches each year compared to an animal - like "X pounds of plastics are littered on beaches each year which is equal to Y number of (some marine animal)"

Poster #3:
- Total number of cigarette filters+cigar tips collected
- Rough estimate of how long all the smoking litter would stretch (distance) if laid end-to-end
- Harmful effects of smoking litter
- Biodegradation of cigarette filters ("Yet butts don't biodegrade, they only break down. The distinction is important to environmentalists, who say butts end up as a plastic residue that stays in ecosystems for decades. A substance that biodegrades, by contrast, is usually organic: plant or animal matter neutralized by enzymes or sunlight.")
- Toxic leeching of chemicals into water
- Some facts from:

Conceptually, I was thinking that these posters could be used on the back of lifeguard stands and in the areas where beach tags are sold. I'm also thinking it'd be nice to use the Clean Ocean Action logo and website at the bottom, and maybe a QR code so people could scan it and find out how they can become involved.

I'm going to start sketching some roughs today now that I have an idea of the information I'm using, and see how it goes from there.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mood Board

So my mood board is kind of rough - I have a general idea of colors, some fonts I was playing around with, and a few samples of elements and infographic styles I like.

For my 10 minute class presentation today I will also be showing other examples of infographics that I like the style of. I've started disseminating all the information I have to organize it for the 3 different posters I will be creating. I'm going to design the posters as 16x20, but since they will be created in Illustrator, they can obviously be scaled larger. I have a few more bits of information I'm trying to dig up, so we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 5!

I've finally made contact with two people over at Clean Ocean Action. I've provided them my timeline for the projects I wish to complete for Senior Project, and indicated that I will continue working with them after my quarter is over on the Beach Sweeps initiative. I've also summarized my design ideas to them, and will be sending them my mood boards by the end of the week. They seem pretty excited to be working with me, I hope this goes well.

I've began breaking down the information I want to present on the 3 posters.

Poster #1 will be sort of an overview poster; the total amount of trash collected (475,321 pieces of litter in 2010), the number of volunteers, the breakdown by percentages of the content of the trash (plastic, glass, paper, etc.), the top 12 marine debris items, a bio-degradation timeline, and maybe a few other things.

Poster #2 will focus on the plastics, which made up 74% of the litter. I'm going to show how it harms marine life (via ingestion or entanglement), the biodegradation of plastics.

Poster #3 will focus on cigarette butts/filters found on the beaches, the impact of the litter, and whatever else I can come up with. This poster idea, though based on my original project idea, is the least fleshed out at this point.

I have to put together my mood boards, but I have a general feel for how I'd like the posters to look. At this point (and given my time), my focus is on completing 3 poster designs. If time provides, I'd love to take a stab at redesigning the Beach Sweeps Annual Report, but we'll see.

Some references:

Infographic #1

Infographic #2 (I really like the style of this one)

Infographic #3

Biodegradation Facts

Atlantic City Tourism Statistics

Fact For The Week:

Did you know that it takes 200 years for an aluminum can to biodegrade?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 4 Update

I have not heard back from anyone at Clean Ocean Action so far. I'm going to try calling again today, and if I'm not able to make some concrete plans with them, I'm going to do the project independently, but still "for them", if you will.

I've found their annual report of the beach sweeps that goes over their mission as well as the statistical data collected from the beach sweeps. I think I'd like to shoot to redesign that as one part of my project.

The other aspect I'd like to work on is an infographic poster using the statistical data of what was found on the beach sweep in an informative and well-designed poster that could be used for public awareness and education.

The third component I would like to work on is a brochure about the beach sweeps; I'm still waiting to get in contact with someone who is in charge of the beach sweeps for Clean Ocean Action. If I am able to meet with them, I'll be able to see what materials they have already and what I can redesign. If I am unable to meet with them, I will design a brochure from scratch advertising the beach sweeps. Clean Ocean Action relies on volunteers to assist with the beach sweeps for the beaches throughout NJ, so I'd want to make sure this brochure would get people's attention and inspire them to come out and be a part of the cleanup.

One final component I would like to work on is, if time is permitting, I'd like to design some direct mailers. I have a few ideas in my head, but we'll see how the rest of the project timeline goes.

Action Plan so far:

By Week 5:
Begin designing the infographic; come up with a size, decide what information will be included, research other infographic posters, decide on a color scheme, and begin sketches for elements to be used on the poster. If possible, try to meet with Clean Ocean Action for their active participation in the project. *Mentor Referral Due!*

By Week 6:
Rough design of infographic, hopefully will have met with Clean Ocean Action as well. Begin setting up design for annual report. Rough draft of trifold Beach Sweeps brochure.

By Week 7:
Final infographic design. Final trifold design. Continue working on annual report.