Sunday, January 15, 2012

Countdown to graduation!

Welcome to my project blog! I have to come up with 2 idea proposals by Thursday for my senior project, and have been tossing around a couple of thoughts.

Idea #1: I've been working in cubical land for over 8 years - there are so many little etiquette things people seem oblivious to - like clipping your nails at your desk. REALLY? So I was thinking of a slightly tongue-in-cheek poster campaign to call attention to inappropriate office behavior.

Idea #2: The DOT recently redid the traffic circle by my work, making it the most ridiculously inefficient and ineffective traffic flow control system. I was tossing around the idea of designing some sort of signage or something to help handle the traffic and confusion. Not sure; ideally it'd be better to turn it back into a regular traffic circle.

Idea #3: Cigarette butts tossed on the beach. People do this all summer, and there used to be a group that would clean up the beach and give a final count at the end of summer in the newspaper to show how many butts were discarded. Maybe some sort of public awareness campaign and come up with a solution to where to dispose cigarette butts.

Idea #4: This one is more personal, but I was thinking of some sort of childfree thing. I'm childfree by choice - and it is a choice, just like having kids is a choice. You don't HAVE to have children, or feel forced into having kids thinking it's just something everyone does. Still trying to flesh this idea out a bit.

I've emailed one of my professors to see if they'll be my mentor for this project. Still waiting to hear back. I'm also hoping by the end of the weekend to have my ideas fleshed out and narrowed down to 2 so I can write up the project proposals.

Can I also just mention that I'm disappointed I won't be allowed to have friends or family there when I present? This is the big end, the culmination of a lot of hard work and over 6 years of school, and it'd be nice if it were more of an open event. When I defended my senior project in my first degree, biology, it was open to not only faculty and those evaluating me, but outside people and family as well.

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