Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 4 Update

I have not heard back from anyone at Clean Ocean Action so far. I'm going to try calling again today, and if I'm not able to make some concrete plans with them, I'm going to do the project independently, but still "for them", if you will.

I've found their annual report of the beach sweeps that goes over their mission as well as the statistical data collected from the beach sweeps. I think I'd like to shoot to redesign that as one part of my project.

The other aspect I'd like to work on is an infographic poster using the statistical data of what was found on the beach sweep in an informative and well-designed poster that could be used for public awareness and education.

The third component I would like to work on is a brochure about the beach sweeps; I'm still waiting to get in contact with someone who is in charge of the beach sweeps for Clean Ocean Action. If I am able to meet with them, I'll be able to see what materials they have already and what I can redesign. If I am unable to meet with them, I will design a brochure from scratch advertising the beach sweeps. Clean Ocean Action relies on volunteers to assist with the beach sweeps for the beaches throughout NJ, so I'd want to make sure this brochure would get people's attention and inspire them to come out and be a part of the cleanup.

One final component I would like to work on is, if time is permitting, I'd like to design some direct mailers. I have a few ideas in my head, but we'll see how the rest of the project timeline goes.

Action Plan so far:

By Week 5:
Begin designing the infographic; come up with a size, decide what information will be included, research other infographic posters, decide on a color scheme, and begin sketches for elements to be used on the poster. If possible, try to meet with Clean Ocean Action for their active participation in the project. *Mentor Referral Due!*

By Week 6:
Rough design of infographic, hopefully will have met with Clean Ocean Action as well. Begin setting up design for annual report. Rough draft of trifold Beach Sweeps brochure.

By Week 7:
Final infographic design. Final trifold design. Continue working on annual report.

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